Transition Year
TY Coordinator: Mr. O Boyle
The Transition Year (TY) is a compulsory one-year programme that forms the first year of a three-year senior cycle in Our Lady’s. It is designed to act as a bridge between the Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate programmes.
The Aim of Transition Year:
To provide a transition between Junior and Senior Cycle and to lay the foundations for further study
To introduce a new range of experiences beyond the scope of the traditional curriculum
To encourage initiative, self-reliance and responsibility
Transition Year is a vibrant and creative programme which offers our students an opportunity to grow, develop and mature in a number of ways. Academic progress is maintained through well defined and delivered core subjects as well as through a variety of non-conventional alternative modules. The creative and physical aspects of the programme give students the chance to explore and develop skills outside the normal academic subjects, whilst our extra curricular activities also let students engage with social issues, both locally and nationally.

Assessment in Transition Year:
Students are given credits for their overall participation in the transition year programme and will be given an overall grade of Distinction, Merit, Pass or Fail at the TY awards ceremony at the end of the year. The credits are awarded as follows.
Work Experience:
This Involves spending two weeks learning first hand about the workplace. It normally takes place at the beginning of November and the end of February in the weeks following the midterm break. Each placement is worth 40 credits towards the student’s certification at the end of the year. Students arrange their own placements which should be fixed as early as possible to avoid disappointment. Ideally it should not be working with relatives. Work experience is monitored by a combination of workplace visits, phonecalls to employers, employer evaluations and student diaries.
Modules Offered 2022- 2023:
Self Defense
Sport and Leisure
Active Schools
Life Skills
Sign Language
Digital Media
Future Leaders
Fitness 4Life
Tech & Design
Community Care
Junk Kouture
BT Young Scientist
Young Social Innovators
Mini Company
First Aid
Transition Year
2021 - 2022
Recap Video
Students are given credits for their overall participation in the transition year programme and will be given an overall grade of Distinction, Merit, Pass or Fail at the TY awards ceremony at the end of the year. The credits are awarded as follows:

Transition Year Main Events to date 2021 / 2022:
Bikeathon Fundraiser for LA519 Charity
Induction day Lough Muckno Adventure Centre
‘Create the great in you’ workshop
Hike trip to Silent Valley reservoir in Co. Down
Aware life skills workshop
Planet Youth Survey
Mobile Music Workshop
Circus Skills Workshop
CV and Interview skills Workshop
Work Experience
Wheelchair Hurling Workshop
Think Languages Conference
Chartered Accountants of Ireland Bootcamp Programme
Forensic Fun Workshop
TY Coaching in primary school
Sending Christmas Cards to the local community
TY refereeing and coaching blitz in Cloghan
TY coaching in Primary Schools
TY peer mentor with JCSP classes
First Aid Course
Reptile Haven Workshop
Hike Trip to Cuilcagh Boardwalk Co. Fermanagh
Work Experience
Seachtain na Gaeilge - an Dreolin Dance Performance
Trip to Croke Park
Sports Day
Cooking Demonstration
Jungle Body Dance Workshop
PE XPO event DCU
Teacher Vs 6th Year basketball fundraiser
Gaisce Trip to Carlingford adventure centre
Junk Kouture Finals Bord Gais Theatre
Monaghans inter school fitness competition
TY Awards Day
Trip to Lets Go Hydro Belfast