Technical Graphics at Junior Cycle
Technical Graphics is one of the technology subjects offered at junior cycle.In Technical Graphics you will learn how to represent 3-D objects on paper and on computer.You will develop problem solving and creative thinking skills through the solution of graphical problems.
Things you will learn at Junior Cycle:
how to produce drawings using drawing equipment,freehand sketches and computers
how to read and interpret drawings and diagrams
how graphics relate to the design and manufacture of products.
You will sit a three hour examination paper. It is made up of two sections: short answer questions which you complete on the sheet provided and longer questions which require more detailed answers.The longer questions allow you to show, in greater detail,the drawing and problem solving skills you have learned. You can take the exam at Higher or at Ordinary level.
Department Members
Mr Daly
Mr Mc Guirk
Leaving Certificate Design Communication Graphics
Design and Communication Graphics is a new course replacing Technical Drawing at Senior Cycle. The course includes the study of design, freehand drawing, elevation and plans, problem solving, 3D drawing, perspective drawing, computer 3D drawings, Computer Aided Design (CAD), model-making and engineering drawing. The main change from the old course is the use of computers to draw in 3D and the introduction of an assignment. The course is assessed in two main areas: an end-of-year drawing exam worth 60%, and an assignment worth 40%. The assignment involves design, freehand drawing presentation and the use of CAD and ICT.
It is not necessary to have studied Technical Graphics /Technology/ Materials Technology at Junior Certificate in order to take up this subject at Senior Certificate. This subject is offered at Ordinary and Higher Level.
Core Areas
Plane & Descriptive Geometry
Communication of Design & Computer Graphics
Optional Modules
The options are five distinct areas of Design and Communication Graphics each with a basis in the core providing the student with the opportunity to study particular aspects of the course in more detail. Students must study two of the five options in addition to the core.
Dynamic Mechanisms
Structural Forms
Geologic Geometry
Surface Geometry