Public Speaking
Our Lady’s has enjoyed great success in the area of public speaking and debating. Students have competed in many Concern debates and have been offered the opportunity to extend their public speaking skills through various TY modules and our junior debating club which takes place at lunch time each week, led by Ms Brennan and Ms Quinn. In recent years students have traveled to RTE students to take part in a debate on ‘Claire Byrne Live’ regarding Brexit, spoke as panelists for RTE radio regarding issues surrounding the border and past student Ellen Mc Mahon was selected to speak in Seanad Eireann as part of the Votail 100 commemorative programme.
In 2018 our TY Law Module group came 1st out of 32 schools in the national law finals at the criminal court of justice and qualified for the world finals in New York. In November 2018 our school, along with their mentors and teachers, traveled to NYC to compete in the world mock trial finals. This was an amazing experience for our school and showcases the skills and talents our students have to offer.