Congratulations to the budding young economists in Our Lady’s, who were successful in the Young Economist of the Year competition 2022. This National competition attracts a huge entry. It showcases and acknowledges the work of students in creating innovative projects across a wide range of economic concepts and topics, with a particular emphasis this year on the sustainable development goals.

The National finals were held in O’ Reilly Hall, UCD on April 28th where the students were invited to display the findings of their research. Transition year students, Oisín McKiernan, Seán Brennan, Luke Brennan and Devin Zue investigated the very interesting and relevant topic, “Will we have a pension in the future?” and were delighted to win the overall third prize. There were three other Transition year groups invited to display their projects on the day and all three groups earned silver medals. Ellen McGinn, Abbie McKevitt and Monika Vilimaite focused their research on “Homelessness- What does the future hold?”. Eimear Brennan, Niamh McBride and Lisa Smyth based their research on “How can education contribute to economic growth?”. Kian Cooke, Fionnán Brennan, Kate Lennon and Brianán Garvey asked the question “How can we look after life under water?”
Fifth year student Aine Gibbons was delighted to win a gold medal for her extensive research on the topic “How did the ECB Monetary Policy actions differ in dealing with the Great financial crises and Covid-19?”.
The students enjoyed the experience of completing their research and representing their school in the finals, they got the opportunity to see the work of other students and hear from lecturers from a number of third level colleges who were most enthusiastic about the future of economics as a second and third level subject.
Their teacher, Ms Kathryn Clarke was full of praise for her students whom she said had really embraced the competition and showed great initiative and interest in the topics they had chosen to explore, they are already looking forward to next year’s competition!
