The Calling" was created for the inaugural Ceiliúradh CEIST celebrations in February 2022. As we approach Ceiliúradh CEIST 2024 and St Brigid's day we will be using this prayer as a community. It serves as a reminder to us to both remember those who have gone before us, handing on the faith tradition and also our role in preserving what has been entrusted to us. A special thanks to Canice Murphy for his wonderful reading of "The Calling" in a very important week for our school.
On Thursday we mark St Brigid's Day by lighting the Ceist candle and reflecting on St Brigid's story and strength.
We wish everyone in our school community a peaceful and calm St Brigid's Day. May you all find strength in her wisdom and charisma.
On Thursday we welcomed our local Priests Fr Aidan and Fr Stephen into our school They joined us for tea, treats and a chat to Celebrate Saint Brigid's Day. Ms O Hanrahan invited her TY students to mentor 2L and 3L in the art of making Saint Brigid's Crosses. The finished products were lovely. Well done to all involved.
On Friday TY students visited 1st year classes to teach them the story of St Brigid.