Sarah Carragher from the Leaving Certificate class of 2023 has been recognised with a prestigious DCU Entrance Scholarship Award. The ceremony, held at Dublin City University (DCU) on Wednesday, November 29th, highlighted Sarah's exceptional achievements and marked her as a standout member of the Leaving Certificate class of 2023.
The DCU Entrance Scholarship Awards are a coveted acknowledgment, reserved for students who have achieved an impressive score of over 600 points in the challenging Leaving Certificate exams. Sarah's academic excellence has not only set her apart but has also brought well deserved recognition to her school and their continued high levels of academic excellence.
Principal Mr. Kelly commended Sarah's multifaceted excellence, stating, ‘Sarah's success is a testament to her incredible work ethic and commitment to her studies and to all aspects of school life. Sarah's impact extends beyond the classroom, where she has showcased her leadership skills and sportsmanship. Her active involvement in extracurricular activities includes a notable presence in several Ulster A GAA finals for her school. Additionally, Sarah has proudly represented Monaghan minors, contributing to the success of the Ulster minor winning team last year. Sarah’s achievements reflect not only academic excellence but also a remarkable dedication to personal growth and this exemplifies the well rounded individuals we aim to nurture at Our Lady’s.’
Photograph: Sarah Carragher from the Leaving Certificate Class of 2023 pictured with Our Lady’s Principal Mr. Kelly at the DCU Entrance Scholars Ceremony on Wednesday November 29th.
