Subject Information
Here in Our Lady’s, Geography plays a key role in the development of our students. For us Geography is the study of people and how they interact with their world. It helps students to develop an understanding of the physical, social and economic processes which shape the environment which we live in. Young people today are living in an ever increasing multicultural society where there are vast inequalities (both socially and economically) and in a time where there is growing concern over the world's environment. With this in mind the study of Geography we feel can make a vital contribution in developing students’ social conscience as well as empowering them to become more effective members of society and bring about change in the world.

Department Members
Ms Carole
Ms Deery
Mr Lyons
Ms Darby
Ms O Doherty
Ms Sheridan
Ms R. Clarke
​Mr Mc Ginn
Junior Cycle Geography
All students in Our Ladys will study Geography for Junior Cycle. At Junior Cycle level the syllabus is divided into three key areas: The Human Habitat, Population and Economic activity. Students are always encouraged to use their local environment as an example to enrich the learning experience and put their skills into practice.
The assessment of Geography for the purposes of the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA) will comprise two Classroom-Based Assessments: Geography in the news; and My geography. In addition, the second Classroom-Based Assessment will have a written Assessment Task that will be prepared and marked, along with a final examination, by the State Examinations Commission.
Leaving Certificate Geography
Leaving Certificate Geography is a varied and interesting course of study that introduces and develops students' understanding of a broad range of concepts in geography. The course builds on student learning in Junior Cycle. There is a strong emphasis on physical, regional, and economic geography. The syllabus is divided into units. All students study the Core Units 1-3 and Elective Unit 4. Higher level students take a Higher Level Option. Our Lady’s Students are encouraged to sit Higher Level papers as seen in our students recording above the national average consistently in the past number of years.
Core Unit 1 Patterns and Processes in the physical environment
Core Unit 2 Regional Geography
Core Unit 3 Geographical Investigation and Skills
The Geographical Investigation (GI) is a report based on a field study or other structured inquiry depending on the topics issued by the State Examinations Commission each December. The GI represents 20% of the Leaving Certificate grade and is completed usually towards the end of April in 6th year.
Elective Unit 4 Patterns and Processes in the Economic Environment
H.L. Optional Unit 6 Global Interdependence